Saturday, February 28, 2009

Horary: Will I Get Pregnant This Year? (RESOLVED)

The Querent wanted to know whether she would get pregnant this year.

The Querent is represented by Libra on the Ascendant. Her significator is Libra's ruler, Venus.

The Pregnancy is represented by the 5th house cusp in Aquarius. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn.

Venus is found in the 6th house in Aries, a semi-barren sign. Venus is in detriment. As you can see by the position of the Querent's significator, it does not seem like she is prepared to have children this year.

Saturn is found in the 12th house (loss, danger, hidden enemies) in Virgo, a semi-fertile sign. Venus and Saturn are not applying in aspect, and Saturn is only receiving Venus by face. The Moon is late, about to change signs.

UPDATE: The querent did not get pregnant.

Horary: Will My Friend Marry? (RESOLVED)

Background: The Querent wants to know whether her best friend would get married this year.

There are many different ways to read charts such as this. It is always good to explore different possibilities. I decided to turn the chart, rather than assign the ascendant to the best friend and the 7th to the boyfriend.
Querent's best friend is represented by the 11th house cusp. In this case, the 11th house cusp falls in Leo. Leo is ruled by the Sun.

For the Querent's boyfriend, we should look at 7th house from the 11th which is the turned 5th. The 5th house cusp is in Aquarius, ruled by Saturn.

The Querent's best friend is represented by the Sun and her boyfriend is Saturn. The Sun is in Capricorn, Saturn's domicile. This means that the Querent's best friend really likes this guy. It should also be noted that in Capricorn the Sun is in a detrimental position. We can see that this relationship is not beneficial to the Sun. It gets worse. She is found in the 4th, which is also his turned 12th house. She is in the house of hidden enemies, and secrets. Is there something he is not telling?

The Moon is void of course and in fall. The are no applying aspects between the Sun and Saturn. The Moon does not touch any of the significators. I'm pretty sure it's a no.

UPDATE: They are no longer together.