Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Horary: Will We Ever Be Together? (RESOLVED)

Every now and then, you come across a horary chart that speaks louder than the rest of them.This horary deals with a question I had been asking myself for years. I really never bothered casting a horary for it because I did not want to know the answer. Well, I've got to be honest here and admit that I was dying to know the answer. Then again, I did not want to risk falling into another one of my self-fulfilling prophecies.

Wouldn't knowing the outcome bring forth my own self-undoing? If it was a no, wouldn't I end up sabotaging myself? Wouldn't I give up hope? You know what happens to those who fight their own destiny. Oedipus, anyone? And with that in mind, let's interpret the chart.Well thought out questions are easier to answer than those that have been asked out of curiosity or whim. This chart is an example. It is fairly clear.

I asked: "Will We Ever Be Together"? An advice, never ask questions with ever in them. Horary has always worked better with a time frame in mind. Will Be Together This Year? would have been a better question. I've got to admit that was my mistake. Horary should never deal with absolutes.

I asked this question about my ex-boyfriend. Let's see how it goes.

I am the Sun, and he is Saturn. I am in Saturn's domicile. Saturn loves the Sun. At least that shows.

The Moon, my co-significator, is in Aries. Now, let's look a little bit closer. The Sun is separating from a conjunction to Mars. The Moon is separating from an opposition to the Mars. Mars is paying attention to both of my significators: as evidenced by the separating aspects and also by the fact that the Moon is in Mars' domicile. Why is Mars so important in this chart? Well, Mars is the general significator of young men. In this chart, Mars also rules my 5th house.

The Moon is square the Sun. The Sun is applying to Saturn by trine. The planets are coming together, but Mars is in the way. Who is Mars representing? Mars, being the ruler of my 5th house, represents my current boyfriend. The Moon-Sun square is very telling in this horary. My actions (being in a relationship) contradict my feelings (being in love with someone else). The relationship between Mars and the Sun is denying the possibility of a relationship between the Sun and Saturn. At least for the time being. The trine between the Sun and Saturn shows promise. Nothing can happen until the Sun decides to do something in order to be with Saturn.

1 comment:

  1. Can you tell what happened 2 years later? Sx
