I asked whether I would graduate this semester. I am the Sun, graduation is Mars. The Sun and Mars are both in Aquarius in the 6th house. The Sun is angularly placed, but in detriment in Aquarius. The significators are not applying to each other by aspect. Mars is conjunct Jupiter, the greater benefic. The Moon is peregrine, and about to conjunct Saturn. Look at how both significators are in Saturn's domicile. Saturn is very much in control of this chart. There is no perfection by aspect, and no mutual reception. As a matter of fact, most Astrologers would have not given this chart much thought after noticing the presence of Saturn, the great malefic, in the 1st house. This placement often guarantees a negative outcome. So, by the looks of it, it is pretty obvious that I won't be graduating this semester.
There is plenty of negative indicators:
- Significators are not applying to each other.
- Moon is not applying to any of the significators.
- No mutual reception between the Sun and Mars.
- Moon is peregrine and without any dignity.
- Saturn in the 1st house.
- Sun is in detriment.
- Moon will conjunct Saturn.
UPDATE: I ended up graduating this semester. I still can't see how this happened taking this chart into consideration. Did I use the wrong significators? Should I have turned the chart? I'm guessing Saturn in the 1st house meant that things wouldn't work out the way I expected them to, and as a matter of fact, I ended up going through a lot of trouble in order to graduate.
How strange but how cool! Maybe antiscia did it? I don't have the table in front of me, makes me wonder. Sx
ReplyDeleteI used 10-2-2009, 17:45. I'm in the NE of N. America for approx. planetary placement; Saturn is the 2nd house by 5 degree rule in quadrant system and 2nd by whole house; the chart says you receive honors (ruler of the 10th in the 8th); Mars in 6 says you were making yourself ill over it, or you marks were lowly; Mars in 7 by whole sign is angular and good; the Sun shows interest in a partner (hard to say if you found a tutor to pay to help with studies, or if it was a person distracting you); but, Sat. on 2nd house shows a 7th house person interested in your money; since Merc also rules your 11th, I don't know if they were supporting your hopes an dreams (your 11th) or out for their good time (turned 5th); but, Saturn separates from trine; I would guess you were distracted by Saturn Rx (who wasn't in good form)
ReplyDeleteThe peregrine moon in the 1st shows that you were without direction when you cast the chart, and could not see the end of the matter (Virgo in aversion to Aquarius); lastly, the general significator for books and knowledge, Jupiter is partile conjunct the NN which is positive; even though Jupiter is peregrine, he is still benefic and conjunct Mars; Venus and Mars sextile is good (their negative reception, for lack of a better term, shows sympathy), and mitigates what harm a square or opposing aspect could've done
ReplyDeletesun changes signs in 6-7 units... weeks or months? so count the weeks from sun's degree to 29.59 and that will give you time when you are graduating