My best friend is worried she might be pregnant. She is currently two weeks late. She took a pregnancy test a week after her missed period, and it was negative.
Let's look at the chart. The ascendant, Leo, is at 26 degrees, so the querent knows the answer. I'm assuming the pregnancy test was accurate. Since I am asking the question, I'm going to have to turn the chart. I'm going to use the 11th house cusp to signify my best friend, and I'm going to use the 5th house from the 11th to signify the possible pregnancy. We'll be dealing with Mercury and Venus as the significators. The Sun and the Moon will represent me in the chart.
Mercury is in Capricorn, and Venus is in Sagittarius. When dealing with possible pregnancies, you want to see the significators in fertile signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Capricorn and Sagittarius, although not barren, are classified as semi-fertile and semi-barren, respectively. Mercury is in Venus' detriment, not a good sign for a pregnancy horary. There are no aspects between Mercury and Venus. I don't think she is pregnant.
UPDATE: It's interesting to note that Moon, my co-significator, is applying to Mercury. Also, the Moon is in an angular sign. As soon as I finished writing this, I received a phone call from my best friend. Turns out, she's not pregnant.
Let's look at the chart. The ascendant, Leo, is at 26 degrees, so the querent knows the answer. I'm assuming the pregnancy test was accurate. Since I am asking the question, I'm going to have to turn the chart. I'm going to use the 11th house cusp to signify my best friend, and I'm going to use the 5th house from the 11th to signify the possible pregnancy. We'll be dealing with Mercury and Venus as the significators. The Sun and the Moon will represent me in the chart.
Mercury is in Capricorn, and Venus is in Sagittarius. When dealing with possible pregnancies, you want to see the significators in fertile signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Capricorn and Sagittarius, although not barren, are classified as semi-fertile and semi-barren, respectively. Mercury is in Venus' detriment, not a good sign for a pregnancy horary. There are no aspects between Mercury and Venus. I don't think she is pregnant.
UPDATE: It's interesting to note that Moon, my co-significator, is applying to Mercury. Also, the Moon is in an angular sign. As soon as I finished writing this, I received a phone call from my best friend. Turns out, she's not pregnant.
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