As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind. Venus square Neptune is one of the most important aspects in my chart. My refusal to come terms with this aspect is very Neptunian in itself. I keep thinking that if I don't pay attention it will go away. But Venus square Neptune is always there and there is nothing I can do about it
Here's a little bit of background information. My Venus is in Libra in the 7th house, opposite my Ascendant. Yes, I am very relationship oriented. My Neptune is in Capricorn in the 10th house, conjunct the Midheaven. Yes, I don't have a clue what to do with my life. As you can see, both planets are at an angle, and for this reason they are very important in my chart. The square is applying at a 3°45 orb. There is also the fact that Pisces is my rising sign, making Neptune my chart ruler. I got an applying square, at an angle, involving the ruler of my chart, to Venus which is dignified, but badly aspected, and opposite my Ascendant.
The energy surrounding a square is forceful, and intense. Squares imply challenge. Think of it as an argument between two planets. Venus, the planet of harmony, beauty, balance, and love meets Neptune, the planet of illusion, confusion and deception.
That is where the problems come in. My Sun is technically in the 7th house. My life is about relationships. My Venus in Libra in the 7th has made me very dependent on relationships. Venus Square Neptune makes me feel as if every relationship is fated. In many ways, I feel that I'm hollow, eagerly expecting for others to fill me, to make me feel complete. This is a horrible burden to place on others, and sooner or later they realize it, and move on.
Another danger of the Venus square Neptune is deception. Self-deception at best, infidelity at the very worst. The aspect is accompanied by a need for multiple partners. You end up disappointed when one partner does not live up to your expectations. So you think, well, why not? Then you meet the next person, and the cycle keeps on repeating itself, over and over again.
I have only focused on the negatives so far, and I really did not want to end on such a depressing note. I can only hope for the best. I have always thought of Venus square Neptune as the placement of the romantic poet. There is a great opportunity for expression through art, even more so when the Midheaven is involved.
I do think it is harder dealing with this aspect in the society we live in. This also goes for people who have Venus square Uranus. We are often forced into certain kinds of behaviors, by our parents, our friends, by everyone around us. We cannot be what other people want us to be.