The Sun, representative of the relationship is conjunct the Moon. This is a clear indication that the relationship will be a significant one for both parties involved. It will be a relationship based on emotions. The Sun is also conjunct Neptune. I am very weary of relationships with strong Neptune connections. In many cases, you don't love each other for what you really are, but for what you each other should be, in other words, the rose-colored glasses syndrome. Most of these relationships are built upon loose foundations. They might feel fated, but they usually don't last long.
You have the Moon applying to retrograde Mercury. This relationship is gonna have intense conversations, which will often lead to misunderstandings and arguments. To top it off, Uranus is in the mix, passing the energy back and forth between the planets. The relationship will feel like a roller-coaster.
The significance of the 9th house focus only came to me in retrospect. This was a relationship that was established while I was abroad. It was about expanding my horizons, and that's where Aquarius comes in. It certainly was an offbeat relationship. The Sun conjunction to Neptune led to some experimentation.
The Stellium in the 9th house is opposed by Saturn which reflects, on a certain level, the reason why the relationship ended so quickly. Saturn restricted our expression and our emotions. We weren't comfortable in the relationship because we couldn't be ourselves.
Pluto is found in the 7th house. The relationship was obsessive, even more so with the applying square from Venus. This is the only applying aspect from Venus (asides from one to the Ascendant). What kept the relationship alive (Venus in action) was a mere compulsive infatuation. Mars in the 8th, made for great sex, to say the least. The Moon is very late, at 29 degrees. Relationship lasted for 2 months.
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