Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Horary: Will I Go To Quebec This Summer? (RESOLVED)

The Querent wanted to know whether she would go to Montreal this summer. The first thing you notice when you look at this chart is that Ascendant is quite late.

What does this mean?
(1) There's a big chance that the Querent already knows the answer.

(2) It is too late to change the outcome.

(3) The Querent is asking the question in order to test the astrologer.

Taking this into consideration, we begin to look at the significators. The Querent is the Moon, and the trip to Quebec is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the Querent's 7th house indicating that the trip might be related to a 7th house matter. Indeed, the Querent is visiting a loved one.
The Moon is applying to Jupiter by a trine.

UPDATE: I'm actually beginning to doubt my judgment when it comes to this horary chart. The moon is peregrine. Jupiter is not receiving the Moon. So I am leaning towards a no.

UPDATE: The outcome of this horary is a "no". Although the Moon is applying to Jupiter, the Moon is first squared by the Sun. The square denies the union. The Moon is also fairly weak, and the Ascendant is late. The outcome was set from the beginning.


  1. Bad on me I would have said yes with Moon trine Jupiter but a problem to resolve first with Sun square...Spica x

  2. Prohibition is always tricky. You have to look at which planet the Moon is "touching" first. If there is an application to a faster moving planet, that pretty much ruins everything. Sometimes you can have a positive outcome, but it is delayed (you'd need to have a great chart to start with).

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